Our Team
                                                                        The Bonn University Sports team
Your contact person for
- Head of university sports
Your contact person for
- Deputy Head of University Sports
- Course Coordination
Your contact person for
- Hiring out the sports rooms
- Break express for employees
Laurenz Hammerschlag
Sport- und Fitnesskaufmann
Your contact person for
- Inclusion in and through university sports
- Ballet, horse riding, e-sports, mountain biking, cycling, rowing
Katrin Böttcher
Sport- und Fitnesskauffrau
Your contact person for
- University Sports Office
- Badminton, belly dancing, beach volleyball, Bollywood dance, circuit training, contemporary dance, English country dance, fitness gymnastics, hip hop, kickboxing, kizomba, fitness training, rugby, fun and games, dancing, volleyball, forest bathing
Nathalie Kubin
M.Sc. Gesundheitswissenschaften und -management
Your contact person for
- (Student) break express
- "bewegt H²"
- Sustainability in and through university sports
- University (sport)events
- Social media
Nora-Kristin Marleaux
M.A. Präv. u. Gesundheitsmanagement
Your contact person for
- (Student) break express
- "bewegt H²"
- Sustainability in and through university sports
- University (sport)events
- Social media
Mohammad Ali Shakibaei
Your contact person for
University (sport) events
Your contact person for
- Trainers billing
- Afro, Aikido, Acrobatics, Body Art, Pilates, Bodywork, Contact Improvisation, Dancehall, Fencing, Fitness Boxing, Indoor Soccer, HIIT, HIIT Training, Hoki Ryu Iaido, Irish Dance, Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Pole Art Fitness, Stretch&Relax, Climbing
Your contact person for
- Inclusion in and through university sports
Your contact person for
- Halle 5
- Weight room VE, Bachata, Bodyforming, Brazilian Zouk, Calisthenics, Fitness Kickboxing, Hot Iron, Running, Running club, Lindy Hop, Movement Practice, Parkour, Tennis
Your contact person for
- Halle 5
- Karate - Modern Sports Karate, Karate-Do, Katori Shinto Ryu, Qigong, Salsa single dance, Salsa pair dance,
Sport in the park, tap dancing, taekwondo, tai chi chuan, trampoline, gymnastics, UniFit Box
Your contact person for
- Autogenic training, health-oriented gymnastics, progressive muscle relaxation
Your contact person for
- IT-Service
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